Taylor Group
Christmas Game
The Taylor Group is a company that had contacted us, Unavailable Games, and wanted us to create a Christmas Greeting card that would be sent to their clients. I was able to contribute to this project while also attending classes and completing additional freelance work.
Time:             Dec 2019
Team Size:   7
Tools:            Unity
Role:              Systems Designer, Programmer, Gameplay Designer
Play on browser
The Taylor Group iis a company that had contacted us, Unavailable Games, and wanted us to create a Christmas Greeting card that would be sent to their clients. I was able to contribute to this project while also attending classes and completing additional freelance work.
Time:             Dec 2019
Team Size:   7
Tools:            Unity
Role:              Systems Designer, Programmer, Gameplay Designer
- Core Gameplay Loop Programmer
- Player Interactions Designer
- Puzzle Programmer
- Playtester
Our goal was to represent the process that The Taylor Group goes through, when creating exhibits for their clients. However, as this was meant to be a game with a short playtime, the game would instead summarize the process in less detailed steps. As we did not want to misrepresent The Taylor Group, we would work closely with them, and hand in delieverables weekly.
I worked mostly on the systems within the game, while also working on gameplay mechanics.
The Taylor Group pitched Pokémon Emerald as reference for how our game should feel, and we were given some additional references for how our game should play. When discussing with The Taylor Group, we also discovered that many of their clients were not gamers, and did not play too many games. Thus, we wanted to keep controls as simple as possible.
With this in mind, I designed the different system, so that they would all use the mouse, rather than using keys. By doing this, the control scheme was simplified, and easy to remember. Even the movement was kept to the mouse, and as a result, pathfinding was implemented so the player could navigate to where they clicked correctly.
Game Segments
As we needed a smaller game, we were limited to how much time was allowed for gameplay. Because the process that The Taylor Group has many different steps, we could not fit all of these into such a small game. Thus, 3 different levels were created to represent these steps.
Each level was accompanied with their own unique gameplay mechanic. By limiting the amount of levels, I was able to focus on just 3, which allowed for more polish within these levels.